Brain Pop
Schools: All*
Grades: 3-8*
Teachers can login to the school BrainPop accounts using the school login. Once you login using the school account, you use the educator code found here to create your BrainPop account. Please do not share the educator codes with students.
Students are now able to login to each BrainPop (except BrainPop Francais) platform using their Clever badges. BrainPop Francais can be accessed by any student using their student ID and lunchpin.
New - Social and Emotional Learning with BrainPop
Our BrainPop subscription contains the following platforms for students:
BrainPop 3-8 Grades
BrainPop Jr. K-3
BrainPop Español
BrainPop ELL All Grades
BrainPop Francais All Grades
Please click here for more information about each of our BrainPop platforms.
Brain Pop Jr.
Schools: All*
Grades: K-3*
BrainPop Español can be accessed by going to the top left-hand menu (after you login to BrainPop) and clicking on the BrainPop icon. Scroll down and select BrainPop Español.